About Me

Get To Know Me Tag 




I found this tag on WordPress last week, and decided to share some facts about me for my readers.


  • Name: Erin
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 4’10
  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Tattoos/Piercings: Just ear piercings


  • Colour: Pink
  • Season: Summer, absolutely. I’m not a fan of cold weather.
  • Shop: Sephora (and Starbucks)
  • Song: All songs by Ed Sheeran
  • Music Artist: The Weeknd, Tove Lo, Taylor Swift, etc.
  • Bands: The Chainsmokers
  • TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy
  • Film: PS I Love You
  • Actor/Actress: Leonardo Dicaprio, always
  • Book: My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult
  • Food: Chicken Parmesan
  • Drink: Coffee


1. What’s the story behind your blog name? 

I devised my title based on my love of lipstick. I wanted to title to reflect this, and included two of my favourite colour spectrums – glitter and gold. The actual placement of the words came to mind one night, and I decided to stick with it!

2. What are your three best and three worst personality traits?

My three best personality traits: I’m conscientious, open, and dedicated. Despite these traits, I tend to be passive, quirky, and timid.

3. Favourite subject in school?

I’m currently completing a Social Work degree. My favourite university courses tend to be social work and psychology. I enjoy learning about the mind and how it works.

4. What are your fears?

I often fear change. I tend to get stuck in my patterns, and change disrupts my internal processes until I become used to it. I fear heights, needles, and surgery (which is ironic considering I’ve had six and love Grey’s Anatomy!)

5. What is the last thing that made you cry?

I spent most of last week fighting a cold, that made me cry as I was feeling underwhelmed and sick.

6. What countries have you been to?

Outside of Canada (where I live!) I’ve traveled to the U.S. twice. Europe is at the top of my Travel To-Do list.

7. What was your dream career when you were little? Has it changed?

Until the age of 13, I desperately wished to become an author. Around that time my dream career path changed to social work. I’ve wanted to become a social worker ever since. I’m fortunately over halfway to completing that journey!

8. How would you describe your fashion sense?

Cozy and trendy. I often wear layers to keep myself warm, so you can find me bundled up in scarves, cardigans, and knit sweaters.

9. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

A cat.





By Erin Angela

24 year old beauty and lifestyle blogger. I write to share knowledge gained throughout my life, a glimpse at my favourite beauty products, and tips on anything from makeup application to organization. You can find me online @erin_angela_xo (Instagram) and @ErinAngela_xo (Twitter).

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