
Why We Still Need Feminism in Today’s Society

Hello, lovelies!

As I continue my social work education, feminism remains a central perspective. The word feminism may seem difficult to conceptualize. Feminism is this: advocacy for women’s rights. Women’s rights have come a long way, but gender inequality still exists. The quest for women’s rights continues. Concepts like body-shaming and pay inequality still exist. Today, I’ll share my perspective on why we still need to keep the feminist conversation alive in 2017.

 Because our bodies are not objects

In our society, we teach women to prevent assault. Why don’t we teach not to assault women? Our bodies are still legislated and engendered.

Because a wage gap still exists 

The idea that women and men don’t need equal pay is ingrained in our society. The wage gap between women and men remains.The pay gap stands at about 21%. Until this wage gap closes, we will need feminism. Until pay between men and women is equal for the same job, and amount of work done, we need feminism.

Because our society places blame upon the woman
This has become a product of our culture. We blame women for the the circumstances they find themselves in; whether it be cat-calling, or abuse. This is an ingrained aggression in our society. More discussions about the inherent objectification in these behaviours must occur.

What is your opinion on the relevance of feminism?





By Erin Angela

24 year old beauty and lifestyle blogger. I write to share knowledge gained throughout my life, a glimpse at my favourite beauty products, and tips on anything from makeup application to organization. You can find me online @erin_angela_xo (Instagram) and @ErinAngela_xo (Twitter).

8 replies on “Why We Still Need Feminism in Today’s Society”

Your words ring true for me! I completely agree – we still have a lot to fight for. I talk about this a lot on my own blog and I truly appreciate finding another kindred spirit. Well written and well said!


You pretty much cover why feminism is important! I’ve read a couple articles talking about how women need to “get over it” and that women have already achieved so much that we shouldn’t be protesting and stuff, yet why do all the things mentioned above still exist then? I read a particular article written by another young woman talking about her not being a feminist because she doesn’t like how things are “shoved down people’s throats” in today’s society. BUT if it weren’t for women “shoving down thoughts” then nothing would get done and we’d lose the voice we’ve fought so strong to get!


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