Tips and tricks

3 Daily Tips to Protect Your Health In Stressful Situations

Hello, lovelies!

Let’s face it – everything is stressful right now. Trying to stay indoors and practice social distancing is top-priority for most people. If you’re anything like me, you’ve likely felt stressed, anxious, and uncertain during the past few weeks. Every time you turn on the news or open your laptop, there’s more scary news. We all know that stress directly affects our health. Here are three tips to help protect your health and wellness today!

Seek good nutrition

Like the saying goes, you are what you eat. A diet high in a variety of nutrients (think a combination of protein, carbs, and vitamins) can both protect health and promote provide nutritious energy. One thing that I do weekly to eat nutritiously is meal-planning. Meal-planning each week helps me consciously develop a list of healthy foods to grab from my local grocery store.

Get physical

Physical activity is a great way to reduce stress. Brisk movement both prevents stress and attributes to better sleep. The next time you feel stress creeping into your mind, try going for a brisk walk or dancing along to your favourite workout video.

Reframe your thoughts

Reframe negative thoughts. Reframing your thoughts around stressful situations can help you manage emotions and reduce stress responses. For example, rather than thinking, “I’m stuck in the house with nothing to do!” reframe it as “I’m staying indoors for my health, and can get lots of work done from my home.”

By Erin Angela

24 year old beauty and lifestyle blogger. I write to share knowledge gained throughout my life, a glimpse at my favourite beauty products, and tips on anything from makeup application to organization. You can find me online @erin_angela_xo (Instagram) and @ErinAngela_xo (Twitter).

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