Tips and tricks

3 Tips to Eliminate Shine and Help Your Makeup Last All Day

Hello, lovelies!

We’ve all had moments where the makeup we just applied has smudged or disappeared completely. There are various ways that you can prevent your skin from becoming shiny, causing makeup to smudge. Here are my top tips:

Prep your skin 

Prepping your skin with primer is important for all skin types, as it helps your makeup stay vibrant throughout the day. If your skin gets shiny, you should prime the oiliest areas of your skin with an oil-free primer. Other areas of the skin can be primed with the same product, or a primer that is not oil free, depending on what you prefer!

Apply powder, but don’t overdo it 

I often powder my entire face, but I concentrate my powder in on my forehead, cheeks, and chin to eliminate extra oil. Applying a translucent powder will control shine and oil but applying too much product may give your skin a powdery hue. I like to apply a small amount of powder with a fluffy brush before blending it into my skin.

Stick to products that are long-wearing

Products that contain oil or water may contribute to smudged, smeared or slipped makeup. Look for products that are long-wearing, water-resistant, or water-proof to prevent any creasing throughout the day.


3 Common Blogger Mistakes You’re Probably Making and How to Avoid Them

Hello, lovelies! There’s no single way to blog, but there are common mistakes that new bloggers can make. I started my blog over a year ago and learned a lot of these mistakes myself. With a few tweaks and tips, I overcame these mistakes to improve my blogging. These are 3 common mistakes:


Publishing a new blog post on your personal Facebook page is one way to increase page views, but your content is likely to only be seen by your Facebook friends list. Posting to Facebook is not enough. Share your content on other social media websites, or groups dedicated to blog promotion to increase your reach and page views. A helpful hint is to tell your audience about the blog post, instead of simply leaving the link on the page.


Blogs are largely about visuals. I like to include one main photo that captures the essence of my blog post. If I am writing a product review, I will often also include swatches of the product to demonstrate the colour/texture. Multiple editing tools exist to enhance and refine your photos to make them more appealing. Practice makes perfect, and keep practicing your photography until you’re happy.


I publish new blog posts 3 times a week. I publish on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while devoting each day to a specific topic. I plan my posts extensively before I begin to write them, and this actually speeds up the writing process. Consistency is key to maintain an active following. Try using a calendar to schedule content and keep your blogging on track.

What are common mistakes you made as a new blogger? Do you have any tips to share to avoid common mistakes?

Tips and tricks

3 Daily Tips to Protect Your Health In Stressful Situations

Hello, lovelies!

Let’s face it – everything is stressful right now. Trying to stay indoors and practice social distancing is top-priority for most people. If you’re anything like me, you’ve likely felt stressed, anxious, and uncertain during the past few weeks. Every time you turn on the news or open your laptop, there’s more scary news. We all know that stress directly affects our health. Here are three tips to help protect your health and wellness today!

Seek good nutrition

Like the saying goes, you are what you eat. A diet high in a variety of nutrients (think a combination of protein, carbs, and vitamins) can both protect health and promote provide nutritious energy. One thing that I do weekly to eat nutritiously is meal-planning. Meal-planning each week helps me consciously develop a list of healthy foods to grab from my local grocery store.

Get physical

Physical activity is a great way to reduce stress. Brisk movement both prevents stress and attributes to better sleep. The next time you feel stress creeping into your mind, try going for a brisk walk or dancing along to your favourite workout video.

Reframe your thoughts

Reframe negative thoughts. Reframing your thoughts around stressful situations can help you manage emotions and reduce stress responses. For example, rather than thinking, “I’m stuck in the house with nothing to do!” reframe it as “I’m staying indoors for my health, and can get lots of work done from my home.”


4 At-Home Workouts You Can Do In 30 Minutes or Less

Hello, lovelies!

Working out from home is the new going-out. Whether you were excited that your local gym closed, there are a ton of ways that you can get your sweat on from the comfort of your own home. Here are four of my favourite home-based workouts that you can try today!

1. Sydney Cummings Youtube

Sydney Cummings is a certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. Sydney publishes new workouts daily on her YouTube channel. Most workouts require no equipment, but a set of dumbbells is required for some. (If you don’t have dumbbells at home, anything from soup cans to coffee cups would work!) Sydney offers workouts that range from 10-60 minutes. Her workouts include pilates, HIIT, strength-training, cardio, and kickboxing.

2. Popsugar Youtube

Popsugar offers at-home workouts that range from 10 to 45 minutes. Popsugar covers popular workout trends, with videos from P90X, Barre, and kickboxing. Each workout is fun and energetic. Most require no equipment, but some workouts suggest using a small set of dumbbells.

3. FitOn App

I recently discovered FitOn. This app has been a game-changer in my fitness routine. The app offers new barre, HIIT, toning, and strength-based workouts that are new, fresh, and innovative. If you’re looking to change-up your usual exercise routine, FitOn offers personalized workout plans that you can complete at-home.

4. Blogilates 

Designed by fitness instructor Cassey Ho, Blogilates offers full-length workouts. Cassey’s channel contains a variety of workouts that are pilates-inspired. Every workout is less than 30 minutes, requires no equipment and can be completed from the comfort of your home!

Tips and tricks

3 Unique Ways to Use Micellar Water in Your Daily Beauty Routine

Hello, lovelies!

Micellar water is a staple in my makeup kit. I typically remove my makeup with a cotton pad soaked with the water, but I recently tested a few unique ways that I can get the most out of it. Here are three unique ways I’ve used my micellar water – and you can too!

Use it as a face wash

Not only is micellar water an excellent makeup remover, but it can be substituted as a face wash in a pinch. Micellar water requires no rinsing or water. If you’re too tired or don’t have any makeup remover on hand, soak a cotton pad with micellar water and gently swipe it across your skin to remove makeup and cleanse the skin.

Use it to clean your makeup brushes 

Micellar water works wonders to clean my makeup brushes without any chemicals! I soak a cotton pad with a small amount of water after applying my makeup each day to gently clean any residue from my makeup brushes.

Refresh your skin

Fill a small bottle with micellar water, and spritz it onto your face during the day for a quick refresh. Not only will the micellar water freshen your complexion, but it will also help refresh any makeup you are wearing.



3 Mistakes That Are Preventing Your Blog From Growing

Hello, lovelies!

I figured this would be a timely post as I return from an extended blogging hiatus! Blogging is not always easy. If you’ve never blogged before, it’s quick to assume that it’s a no-brainer job. I remember when I first began my blog, I was daunted and had no idea where to start. Once you write your first few posts the act of blogging will become easier. It’s easy to make mistakes that will stunt your blog’s growth, and here are three common ones!

You don’t post consistently 

Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. Writing content that is consistent and fresh will encourage your readers to return. I publish new content three times per week, and this routine works well for my blog. There’s no rule about how often you have to post, but bear in mind that posting content regularly is key.

Poor blog design or difficult navigation 

First impressions count. A blog theme that is easy to navigate and eye-catching will encourage readers to come back. When you first design your blog, it is important to keep in mind that it can be changed and built-up over time. I started with a bare, basic theme which I gradually modified and enhanced.

Neglecting your own voice 

This was a big thing I learned throughout my blogging journey! Striving to create perfect content and writing can prevent your own voice from shining through. Once I learned to stop striving for perfection, it became easier for my own tone and writing style to emerge.




Tips and tricks

2 Tips You Need to Know When Kickstarting a Healthy Lifestyle

Hello, lovelies!

Becoming healthier may seem like a lofty goal, especially with the holiday season approaching (hello cocktails, baking and turkey!) Setting healthier habits and introducing small changes into your daily routine can make a big difference. Here are some of my favourite tips to kickstart a healthy lifestyle without embarking on a huge journey!

For every hour you spend sitting, get up and take a brisk 3-4 minute walk

Everyone knows that sitting too much is harmful to your health. Sometimes it may feel like devoting a large chunk of time to a daily exercise routine is impossible, but spacing small bursts of movement throughout the day is just as effective. For every hour you spend sitting, sprinkle bouts of 3-4 minutes of exercise into your day to increase your daily exercise.

Call foods ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ instead of ‘good’ and ‘bad’

Calling food ‘good’ or ‘bad’ automatically labels it. Truly, foods are not ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but rather they are ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’. Relabelling your food this way introduces a mindset that may help you indulge in moderation by allowing yourself to recognize when a food is ‘unhealthy’ or ‘healthy’ rather than just on a restricted list.


3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging

Hello, lovelies!

Blogging takes time and effort. I’ve learned a few lessons since I began my blog, and have compiled a breakdown of some of things I wish I’d known when I started my blog that I will share with you.

Maintaining social media can be tiring

It takes time and work to maintain various social media accounts. As I write this post, I mentally note that I’ve barely opened my Instagram app in days. I sometimes feel pressure to consistently post on my blog and social media, but it is a good idea to take a break from posting. Consistently posting and preparing content can feel draining and it’s important to acknowledge that it’s okay if you don’t have posts prepared for every day of the week!

Be passionate

Writing about topics that you are passionate about will majorly benefit your blog. If you aren’t passionate about your niche and ideas, you’ll find it difficult to make it as a blogger.

Joining social media groups in your niche will be helpful 

I’ve joined multiple Facebook and Twitter groups related to beauty and lifestyle topics since I began my blog. These groups are beneficial for multiple reasons. First, it’s wonderful to have a place where other bloggers share the same ‘language’ as you do. I also adore these groups when I’m stuck for inspiration. Finding new bloggers or content to read is an excellent source of inspiration when you encounter writer’s block.


3 Surprising Reasons Why Your Skin Is Breaking Out

Hello, lovelies!

We all know the importance of maintaining a skincare routine, but what happens when your skin still breaks out despite the care you give it? For all of you who suffer from acne and blemishes, I empathize with you because I continue to experience regular breakouts! Before you toss your beloved skincare products, check in with yourself! The causes of your breakouts may not be what you imagined. Here are four surprising reasons why your skin continues to breakout:

You don’t change your pillowcase regularly

Just like your cell phone, your pillowcase can contain bacteria that causes breakouts. Even if you wash your face every night before bed, the natural oils from your hair and skin can accumulate on your pillowcase. Once they build up over time, they lead to breakouts. Pillowcases should be changed or washed weekly to keep them clean.

You skip moisturizing 

It took me a long time to realize that moisturizer is actually good for my acne-prone skin. It is easy to assume that too much oil causes breakouts, but this actually is not true. Excessively cleansing the skin removes natural oils, causing rebound dryness that can further irritate acne. Applying moisturizer reintroduces natural oil back into the skin and balances it.

You never clean your makeup brushes

When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? It is important to clean all your beauty tools at least once a week to prevent makeup, oil, and bacteria from causing breakouts. If you don’t have a fancy makeup brush cleaner, a small amount of water and soap will do the trick!

Tips and tricks

4 Easy Ways to Save Money At Starbucks

Hello, lovelies!

Coffee is one of my favourite things. I drink it daily and it gives me the perfect energy boost. I am a frequent Starbucks customer, and enjoy trying new drinks and food items. Starbucks can carry a heavy price tag, so today I’m sharing my favourite tips to save money on your daily cup!

Join the MyStarbucksRewards Program 

This program involves earning Stars for every purchase. With each Tier of the program, you earn can earn free food and drinks after every 12 purchases. If you buy coffee daily, you’ll earn a free food/drink every two weeks! The program also has special promotions and Double Star Days to help you earn rewards quicker.

Create your own latte for the price of an espresso 

Order 2-3 shots of espresso hot or over ice. Add your own milk afterwards to create your own latte for less.

Bring your own cup 

I often bring my travel mug to Starbucks when I have a long study session ahead. Starbucks gives you a 10-cent discount when you bring your own reusable cup.

Brew your Starbucks coffee or tea at home 

I recently discovered the variety of Starbucks K-Cups that exist for my Keurig. I buy a 12-pack of K-Cups for $11.99. My at-home coffee is still Starbucks brand, but it only costs about $1 per cup.

 Do you visit Starbucks? What is your favourite tip to save money on your daily coffee?